Lesson 1
Very basics of piano, finger numbers, names of keys, C major scale, finger tuck, (song) Twinkle little star.
Lesson 2
Whole tones & Semi tones, Major scale TTSTTTS, Sharps and Flats, G major scale, Definition of Octave, Intervals.
Lesson 3
Triads, Inversions, Tonic and Dominate, 4 note Chords, Solid and Broken Chords, D major, A little extra talking about Sharps and Flats.
Lesson 4
Note Values, Time Signatures, Basic Clapping + exercises.
Lesson 5
Clefs, Staff, Reading sheet music, Intro to ledger lines.
Lesson 6
Sheet music: Intervals, Sharps, Flats, Naturals, Dynamics, Musical Italian Terms, Staccato, Legato, Ties
Lesson 7
How the Piano Works, Showing my grand piano opened up and explaining the parts and what they do. This includes, soundboard, pin block, cast iron frame, action, dampers, and more.
Lesson 8
Minor scales, The rules for: Natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor, and the explanation of where they come from.
Lesson 9
Key signatures, how to draw a circle of fifths.
Lesson 10
Chromatic scale, Blues scale, Hands together scales, Penta tonic scale, Contrary motion.
Lesson 11
How to learn songs, for any instrument, this should increase the speed at which you learn songs, or at least help you understand the steps.
Lesson 12
An awesome super helpful Chromatic chord learning exercise!
Lesson 13
How to transpose. To move a melody up or down. Stem direction, how to know which way the stems go.
Lesson 14
Time signatures, rests, clapping, strong and weak beats, duple & compound time. Mostly rhythmic topics.
Lesson 15
Scale degrees, and their functions. Dominate function chords, chord symbols, Intro to Harmony.
Lesson 16
Using your ear to recognize intervals. Hear the intervals in your head. This should help you play by ear.
Lesson 17
Relaxing Your Physical Posture, the correct way to sit at the piano, and get the most of your motions into the piano. (Important lesson)
Lesson 18
The mental approach to playing piano well. This lesson should help you relax your mind and give you much better results. (Super important lesson)
Lesson 19
Rules for good Sight reading.
Lesson 20
Intermediate-advanced, rhythm, clapping and exercises. Adds, triplet, doted notes, and more.
Lesson 21
Arpeggios, Octaves, how to play them.
Lesson 22
Trills, mordents, turns, and ornamentation. Basically those quick little notes and squiggly lines you see in your sheets.
Lesson 23
Expressing emotion into your playing.
Lesson 24
Lesson on Metronome. Learning how to use it to keep your playing steady.
Lesson 25
General Overview of Music history. Know how we got to where we are in music! This helps for playing stylistically correct.
Lesson 26
Polyrhythms. Learn how to play 3 vs 2 & 3 vs 4.
Lesson 27
Cadences, Perfect, Plagal, Imperfect, Deceptive. It’s like musical punctuation! Also, you get to hear how they sound.
Lesson 28
Modulation, and applied dominate chords. Learning to shift keys in your compositions.
Lesson 29
How to play Fur Elise (easy part) tutorial.
Lesson 30
Harmony 101. Intro to harmony! Voice leading, choral writing.
Lesson 31
Structural Analysis. learning Binary form, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Rounded Binary, and Ternary Form. Great for learning how your pieces are built.
Lesson 32
Playing leaps across the keyboard. With and without looking. This should help you play without stopping and looking as much.
Lesson 33
Alberti Bass pattern. a LH broken pattern to play chords, popular in most music.
Lesson 34
Hanon, a finger centric exercise book, used to strengthen the fingers and make them much stronger and faster! This lesson should give you things to practise to help you improve your technique.
Lesson 35
More advanced scales, scales in 3rds, 6ths, formula patterns, polyrhythm scales, repeated note scales.
Lesson 36
How to perform for an audience. Mental techniques, physical techniques, and preparation.
Lesson 37
Teach your kids how to play piano. Techniques to teach your kids what you know about piano. Idea’s how to interest your kids in piano, motivate them, and even games to play with them!
Lesson 38
Rolled Chords, this covers where you’d use them, how to play them, etc.
Lesson 39
Pedaling, reasons for pedaling, what we use it for. Demonstration of with vs without pedal. Different techniques.
Lesson 40
How to learn piano online. This lesson is for motivation and direction to self teach yourself piano. (If you ask me this lesson should be at the very beginning! I didn’t think of doing it until the end though!)
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